Sunday, 3 June 2012

todays task week 8

happy monday everyone , this is the last task of the term before assessment and review so its a doozey

here goes
this weeks task is a combination "free stuff" winner announcement and VLOG post
so you will need to make a vlog or video blog, and tell us what you have been up to this week and include the all important annoncement of your prize winner for your give away,
you will need access to a video camera (your phone is fine if you have the capability ) or you will need to book a go pro camera out from the library.
you will need to sign up for a vimeo account or a youtube , to get the embed files to post it to your blog , same process as with photobucket.
make a special point to make the back ground of your video some thing interesting to look at that fits with the theme of your blog and be mindful of the lighting in the room where you film
have fun with it and keep it respectful
mista fisher

here is an example of exactly what we are doing from toni over at lost cabin vintage
check it out

ooh and dont forget your weekly "how to" post

assessment next week!!!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

todays task week 7 "free stuff"

happy monday everyone
as i warned you last week this weeks method for expanding and increasing your blog interest is "free stuff" so i hope you have decided on what you are going to give away and how you are going to organise it? competition ? best photo, best comment, best drawing of a friends 4wd to win a longboard deck? submit a photo of your best drawing.?
what ever you do and however you run it make sure it is something you can manage and make sure you have people post their entries to your wall, or blog post, cos the main reason you are doin this is to increase traffic to your site.
happy blogging and good luck

Sunday, 20 May 2012

todays task week 6

happy monday again everyone ,
its  gettin a bit on the winter side and its particularly chilly this morn so lets do something heartwarming cos caring is sharing so today make one of your blog posts a post where you share a friends blog write up a little review make sure you point out what are some of your favourite sections and personal favourite posts of that person can be a classmate but doesn't have to. the idea is networking and linking so make sure there are multiple links in there and have some fun with it.
go here and check out a nice example from toni at lost cabin.

other than that your regular how to post is on the list as well
have fun

Sunday, 13 May 2012

todays task week 5

happy monday everyone

so we lost every lesson last week due to the public holiday and cross country being postponed
so as a continuation of last weeks task i have some updated html for you for the buttons task

try this or i will have a hardcopy for you to type up into a word document and save that little fella for future use ok

maybe try this:
<textarea><a href="YOUR BLOG URL"><img src="YOUR IMG URL FROM PHOTOBUCKET"></a></textarea>

this may (hopefully) work other wise ill write it on the board this morning and we can get it sorted
other than getting your new button link working you will need to make sure you can re gain your momentum from having a whole week off by making some exciting posts today. so:

weekly post - 3 pictures and 250 words 
how to post - 3 pictures and 250 words
mista fisher

Monday, 7 May 2012

todays task week 4

happy monday everyone

being cross country today we only have one lesson
so as a continuation of last weeks task i have some updated html for you for the buttons task

try this or i will have a hardcopy for you to type up into a word document and save that little fella for future use ok

maybe try this:
<textarea><textarea><a href="YOUR BLOG URL"><img src="YOUR IMG URL FROM PHOTOBUCKET"></a></textarea></textarea>

this may (hopefully) work other wise ill write it on the board this morning and we can get it sorted
mista fisher

Monday, 30 April 2012

buttons and links week 3

by now you should have created a photobucket account
and a 150x150 pixel button to use as a link to your site

 upload your image to photobucket.
then on your side pane of your block upload the image as well and then under it paste this code:

<textarea><a href="YOUR BLOG URL"><img src="YOUR IMG URL FROM PHOTOBUCKET"></a></textarea>

Then other people can paste the text onto their page and have an image that they can click on to take them to the blog.
happy linking.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

todays task week 3

happy monday everyone

todays task
one way to make sure you are seen and expand your audience on your blog is to have an easily seen and readily available button to put on other peoples blogs, websites, facebooks and twittergrams n stuff
so today your first task is to:

  • design a 150X150 pixel button with an image and your name in photoshop
  • sign up for a photobucket account cos next week we will be looking at embedding. find it here
you are going to do a product review, on a product that you have bought and personally used, can be anything from shampoo to longboard wheels. but you must have personally used it!
what you will do is write a review and have associated photos that endorse or promote the product in a positive way. then we will look at ways of endorsing that product with links to where to purchase and the official website for the product, what will this do for you ?
if it is done well, not only will you get recurring traffic from the official sites and possibly pop up in google searches, but if the company who makes the product  sees benefit in what you have done they may send you other products to test and review... did i say FREEE STUFF? well, perhaps... lets see how good you go 

Sunday, 22 April 2012

todays task week 2

todays task
is about networking
one very good way to widen and increase your audience is to network through other bloggers and sources.

today you will do a post where you write a short review for 5 other blogposts from other bloggers.

  • minumum of 50words per post,
  • one image from their site
  • url link to their site 
  • not more than 1 review can be someone from our class
once you have done this you must go to each of these blogs and write a positive comment on one of their posts make a genuine comment about something on their blog that has interested you.
and link the url to your blog home at the end of your comment 

have fun searching , this is as much a research task as it is a networking one 


here's a starting point

or here
sick skater and v. cool artist

Sunday, 25 March 2012

happy (last) monday (of the term) everybody

today is a full of excitement and anticipation for the holidays being the last blogging lesson for the term
so lets put a holidays theme on our blog posts today.
what are your plans ? what do you want to do most in the holidays ? are you going to stuff yourself silly on chocolate? or have a "chocolate free easter"

Sunday, 18 March 2012

todays task is to get your two final blogs done before assessment, tomorrow is d day and that means everything is due
that means a total of 12 blogs and 1 of those should be a 'guest post'

get it done everyone.
ill be marking and getting you to give us a personal tour through your blog (pointing out all the nice little extras you have done over the term) TOMORROW!!!!!!1

Sunday, 11 March 2012

happy monday everybody!

its guest blog day today. guest bloggers can be fun and bring a fresh perspective to your blog and they are a great way of networking and cross- promotion for both people, you can potentially reach double your normal audience.
so what i would like you to do is:

  • find a friend who is willing and able , and get them to do a guest post on your blog,  
  • preferably related to the topic and nature of your blog
  • if you need some structure or they need some inspiration then you can do it interview style where you set up the questions or topics and get them to answer
  • 250 words and 3 pics minimum, they can do it in word and email it to you    
have fun with it.
good times

Sunday, 12 February 2012

how to post to pages

  • go to layout- click "add a gadget" 
  • scroll down to labels- select "+"
  • a pop up with configure labels- select 'all labels' and 'list'- click save
  • select "posts" in the left hand tool bar
  • select the post you want and "edit" or write a new post.
  • in the right hand tool bar click "labels"
  • type in the label you want on the post ie; "how to"- click "done"
  • click "update" or "publish" whichever is relevant 
  • you will be taken to your posts page- click "view blog" at the top 
  • your labels will show up on the left hand side - click on it 
  • when it takes you to the link copy the url from the address bar at the very top 
  • click "design" top right of screen 
  • click "pages" left hand tool bar
  • delete current "how to" and weekly posts" in the pages section
  • select "new page"- then "web address"
  • paste the url address into the box 
  • label the box "how to"
  • go to "layout" in the left tool bar
  • click "edit" in the labels gadget- click "remove" and then save

todays task mon 13th feb

happy monday everyone.

todays task is to prepare and publish two (2) posts.
1. should be a "how to" post under your tab for how to.
              -make sure there are clear instructions around 200-250 words is good
              - you will need to include list of equiptment needed, if its crafty stuff or a recipe this is pretty                 obvious but if its something like longboard sliding or drift triking then you should list the minimum required level of equipment, level of skill required and SAFETY GEAR!!!!
             - you will also need to include step by step photos of you / one of your friends actually demonstrating your "how to" (yes they must be your own photos)

2. your second post should be one of your weekly posts , can be journal style , what you have been up to this week (be discerning) or something that has caught your interest or even a topic you want to discuss
              -use photos to make it more appealing
              -if you are putting links in remember to credit them
              - minimum 250 words
              - remember that even though this is just your thoughts or what you have been up to , every post you do is designed to generate more interest in your blog so use all the tools available to you to keep it interesting : design, imagery, good writing , and an interesting viewpoint or perspective.

blog awayyyyyy

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Todays Task 6 Feb 2012

todays task is to get your blog layout set up and sorted:

the layout is an important framework for your blog because it will determine how and where your posts go and how your information on your blog is seen by the veiwer, to cluttered and there is too much to see- creates an information over load, too little and the veiwer quickly gets bored and loses interest.

Get started:
>go to and log in 
>click on your blog title (it is the link to your dashboard)
once in your dashboard you have a menu bar on the left which allows you to edit section of your page
>click on "template" in the left sidebar and scroll through till you find one that suits you 
>click on "layouts"in the left sidebar and then click "template designer" in the top right 
>work your way through the left sidebar menu and get yourself set up 
remember that if you change your widths you will need to remember them for when we create the header and menu buttons in photoshop

>then go back to blogger 
>click on "pages" in the left sidebar and creates some pages for your tabs (check out mine for ideas,or go have a look at some of your favourites and see what they have done)
>set up your pages and put some minimal content in there.

have fun 
mista fisher

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Welcome to Blogging

Today's Tasks

1. Find one or more interests that you might like to blog about. Make sure it's something that you're interested in because then you'll enjoy doing it more.

2. Find at least ten blogs that you like, on that one or more subject.

- try using to search for subjects you're interested in.
- once you find a blog you like, many blogs have links to other similar blogs.
- try google. type in the subject and the word blog.

Here's a list of blogs to get you started:

Skate boarding -

Derek Ellens -

Morgan and Kim -

Cooking -

Clair Matthews -

Fashion -

Fashion -

Lifestyle -

Lifestyle -

Lifestyle -

Lifestyle -

Blogging/photoshop -

Photography -